Cabarete Bay - Dominican Republic
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What language Dominican Republic


Although Spanish is the official language of the Dominican Republic, many Dominicans actually speak a dialect of Spanish known as Dominican Spanish. This dialect includes a lot of slang and unique words and phrases that you won’t hear in other Spanish-speaking countries. If you’re planning a trip to the Dominican Republic, it’s helpful to learn some basic Dominican Spanish before you go.

Here are a few key phrases to get you started:

¿Cómo estás? – How are you?

Bien, gracias. – I’m good, thanks.

¿Qué pasa? – What’s up?

Nada, ¿y tú? – Nothing, what about you?

Tengo hambre. – I’m hungry.

Tengo sed. – I’m thirsty.

Necesito ir al baño. – I need to go to the bathroom.

¿Dónde está? – Where is it?

¿Cuánto cuesta? – How much does it cost?

No entiendo. – I don’t understand.

Hable más despacio, por favor. – Speak more slowly, please.

No sé. – I don’t know.

Disculpe. – Excuse me.

¡Gracias! – Thank you!

¡De nada! – You’re welcome!

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